Mr.Abrams, A Letter For You.

Dear Mr. Abrams,

The ball is in your court, the hopes and dreams of literally millions of people rests entirely in your hands. Don’t mess this up. We have been slighted in the past by some guy named Lucas, from 1999-2005 he played us three times in the ultimate long con. He took our money with false promises of adventure, epic heroes, legendary villains and mystical forces in a galaxy far far away. Instead we got unnecessary scientific explanations of midi chlorians, an unbelievable romance (in the bad way), underwhelming villains and uninteresting stories about galactic trade treaties. If that wasn’t enough, how could we forget the completely unnecessary comic relief character we all unapologetically felt like strangling?  As millions of voices cried out in terror, Lucas laughed his way to the bank. Put in all the lens flare and snap zoom camera techniques you want JJ, just don’t keep the con going.


The Star Wars community, everyone from the die-hard fans who pitched a tent for the premiere of the Revenge of the Sith, to those who watched A New Hope in theaters in 1977, to the millennials who grew up playing The Phantom Menace on PlayStation 1 is abuzz with excitement. More than just being a compelling story, what makes Star Wars special is the fact that, over a span of 40 years, it has brought together people from all over the world, from all walks of life, backgrounds, careers and ages. It doesn’t matter where you went to school or how much money you have, you are still part of that community that all loves the same thing. At the end of the day it shows us that we really aren’t that different from each other after all.

Just how it took almost 20 years for the Empire to create a fully operational Death Star, technology has come a long way since the 70’s and being a fan and a member of a community is easier than ever thanks to social media. Now, a fan sitting in Miami can duel another fan sitting in Dubai as to whether or not they think Rey is Han and Leia’s daughter. By providing a platform for interaction, social media has made the world a smaller place. A hundred years ago, a community would have been a group of people living in the same area with similar traits, such as the Chinese community in San Francisco, or the Italians in Long Island, New York. Fast forward to 2015, and the definition and manifestation of a community has expanded well past geographical borders and limitations allowing people with similar passions, hobbies, skills, and talents to come together and interact with one another as a community.

People have a chance here to be brought together at a timewhen let’s face it, humanity needs a win. The ice caps are melting, war is ravaging Syria, refugees are drowning in an attempt to reach Europe and Donald Trump is the front-runner for badfeelingthe Republican Party. If we can find one thing that can bring us together, even if it may be for a couple hours then that’s a win for humanity in my book. The cultural phenomenon that is Star Wars is a testament to that.

I hope you see just how important it is that the Force Awakens is a success Mr. Abrams. When I walk out of the theater on the 18th of December having watched the movie I have waited for since 2005, geeked out over ever since the cast was announced, and spent 2 hours buying tickets for, I want to have only two words for you; Thank You.


Dhananjai Shastri


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