Cheers to 2016 and My Top 5

And here we are, 2015 is in the books. Wow what a year it was, probably the craziest year till date. Sure you could probably say that about the last 5 years but this one was really something! College ended, I moved home, working life began, I got to travel a-lot, made some great new friends, got my drivers license etc etc etc.

2015 was the year of success, failure, change, the highest highs and the lowest lows. Looking back on this year I can definitely say that I grew and learned the most about myself and this year instead of having a more “tangible” resolution, I think I will go with one that is more open ended. I resolve to be more open to change and to try and learn as much more about myself as I possibly can.

With all the excitement about a brand new year ahead, a fresh start and starting the next chapter of your life, don’t forget to reflect back onto 2015 and take what you learned so you can tackle 2016 with all you got.

And now for my Top 5 Moments of 2015

5.) Road tripping down to San Diego and going to my first EDM Show.

4.) Going out with a bang for my last ISA Culture Show.

3.) Getting my first job after slaving away for months after Graduation

2.) The night before graduation…..

1.) The PC Graduation party where it literally rained Champagne. Yes you read that right, if you missed it I really am sorry.

That’s all for 2015 folks! I kept it short since there are parties to go to and fireworks to watch. This has been fun! As a last resolution I resolve to be on top of getting more posts out without excuses ! Be safe out there tonight and Happy New Year 🙂

